Hello at long last from the cave of writing! I am in the midst of writing two novels that I am in love with, in between completing a Library Sciences certificate program at Spokane Falls Community College and working in my local school libraries and volunteering with Friends of the Library, which is all to say - God, I love books. I am so happy to have the honor of participating in some wonderful book and writing events this year, and hope you are all well, happy, and are able to spend some good amounts of time reading and writing because truly, Books are Life. Hope to see you in person and with new book news soon! XO
Michigan Library Association YA Top Ten!
Snooping the inter webs I recently discovered that WHAT I CARRY is a MICHIGAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Top Ten YA Book for 2021! The Thumbs Up Award is curated and voted by librarians, the very best people I know, so to be a Top Ten Finalist is amazing! What an honor and a lovely surprise. I love you, you beautiful students, readers, teachers and librarians of the glorious Michigan Library Association. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
2023 Rhode Island Teeen Book Award!
Rhode Island! You are beautiful and I love you so much, thank you for the honor of this nomiation for WHAT I CARRY for the 2023 RITBA. I am humbled to in the company of so many authors and books I admire. Thank you to the RILA, readers, librarians, and teachers of Rhode Island. I would love to come visit you in person next year ;) Here is information about this wonderful award from the RITBA website:
“The Rhode Island Teen Book Award is a collaborative project of the School Librarians of Rhode Island (SLoRI) and the Rhode Island Library Assocation (RILA). The goal of the Rhode Island Teen Book Award is to promote quality literature for teens by highlighting well-written books that will be of interest to those between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age. It is the hope of the committee that by allowing teens to select the winner from each year's list of nominees, teens will be encouraged to not only read more, but also discuss the books they are reading with their friends and family at school, the local library, and at home.” https://riteenbookaward.org
WHAT I CARRY is officially part of Oregon Battle of the Books!
What an honor for WHAT I CARRY to be part of this wonderful program. Thank you so, so much to the Oregon Association of Libraries, and best of luck to all the books and authors. Read on, Oregonians!
“OREGON BATTLE OF THE BOOKS (OBOB) is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Libraries in conjunction with a Library Services and Technology Act grant. Students in 3rd-12th grade, regardless of ability, are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints. OBOB’s mission is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, promote academic excellence, and to promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students. OBOB is run primarily by volunteers through the Oregon Association of School Libraries (OASL) and funded partially through the Library Services and Technology Act, LSTA. OASL, and OBOB operating under its umbrella, are committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and anti-oppression in our organization, policies, and practices.” https://www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org
Washington State YA Librarian EVERGREEN AWARD!
I am overjoyed to announce WHAT I CARRY is a finalist for Washington State’s EVERGREEN AWARD! Young Adult Librarians in our beautiful PNW State determine a list of their favorite YA books, then teen readers vote all year for a winner. This is an honor I am especially grateful for, as this is my beloved home state and also look at all those incredible books and authors! This is truly humbling. Read them all and thank me later. And thank you so much to the Evergreen Award librarians, readers, and voters. I love you all!
Library School!
After a lifetime of wishing I could be public library librarian but being too scared to try, I am so proud to say just graduated with a Library Science certificate from Spokanne Falls Community College! I cannot wait to (hopefully!) find a Library Assistant position one day soon, so I can write on a regular schedule, and then have days that I spend with my heroes, the librarians, helping commuity members find books they love, and a million other wonderful srervices libraries offer. I truly believe libraries and librarians are the guardians of our Democracy and Freedom and Education, and the heart of every community. Thank you Spokanne Falls Community College. I am so proud!
2023 Nutmeg Book Award Nomination!
So grateful to say WHAT I CARRY has been nominated for the 2023 Connecticut Library Association’s NUTMEG BOOK AWARD for Young Adult titles! I am honored to be considered in a final ten list of authors I truly admire - which I know I always say, but that’s becuase it’s true! Thank you so much too, to the Connecticut Association of Librarians. Happy voting, and happy Spring!
“The Nutmeg Book Award encourages children in grades 2-12 to read quality literature and to choose their favorite from a list of ten nominated titles. . .Jointly sponsored by the Connecticut Library Association (CLA) and the Connecticut Association of School Librarians (CASL), the Nutmeg Committee is comprised of children's librarians and school library media specialists who are members of our sponsoring organizations.”
Missouri Association of Librarians GATEWAY READERS AWARD Nomination!
I am proud that WHAT I CARRY is nominated for the 2022-23 GATEWAY READERS AWARD. This wonderful recognition means something special to me, as my mother’s family are all from the Ozark Mountains in the Show Me State of Missouri. These are Librarian-curated awards, voted by readers and librarians, and that makes the nomination even more wonderful. From the Missouri Association of Librarians website:
“The librarians of Missouri believe that exposing students to quality literature impacts their future reading habits. These awards encourage students in grades one through twelve to explore new literary genres, to recognize excellence in writing and illustrating, and to experience the joy of literature. MASL’s five Readers Awards represent the best current youth literature available to students of different grade levels.”
THE GATEWAY READERS AWARD represents the Young Adult category. Thank you so much, readers and Librarians of Missiouri. I love you all, and I am humbled to be in the company of a list of books and author nominees that I so admire. Thank you!
I am overjoyed to say WHAT I CARRY has been named a TAYSHAS Top Ten Title for 2022! This list, chosen annually by the Texas Library Association, is developed by public and school librarians in Texas to motivate young adults in grades 9-12 to explore a variety of current books. Top Ten Titles are voted unanimously by the pannel in the first round, which is bananas becuase look at the amazing books in the top ten - I am so overwhlemed and grateful to be included with authors I admire so much. Thank you, Texas librarians and readers, and fellow authors. You are all my heroes.
Some fun virtual events are scheduled for December and I’m so excited to join readers and fellow writers and librairans and teachers and booksellers to chat about books, libraires, and pandemic snack recipies. Thursday, Decmber 2nd at 4pm is Snoqualmie-Isle Library’s Open Book series. Register here:
Then join the Washington Center for the Book via Seattle Public Library on December 15th at 6pm with me and one of my literary idols, Claudia Rowe, for a conversation in celebration of WHAT I CARRY winning the 2021 Washington State Book Award. Claudia is the author of the NYT Best-selling and award-winning THE SPIDER AND THE FLY, and she is a writer with the Seattle Times and most recently PBS’s Crosscut series, where she writes about Education and the Foster Care system. I am equal parts nervous and thrilled to be in conversation with Claudia, join the event here:
Hope to see you soon, and Happy Winter! XO
A wonderful suprise and truly, an honor! WHAT I CARRY is the Iowa Center for the Book All Iowa Reads YA book for 2022! Thank you so much to the readers, librarians and teachers of Iowa. You are so kind, and I am so happy this book found it’s way to your hearts. My team at Random House and Folio Literary made this book happen, and to them I am indebted and grateful, always. Thank you!
Washington State Book Award 2021 * WHAT I CARRY * YA Literature
Well this is a beautiful gold seal! As a Gen X Kid who loved my sticker collection, especially my few coveted Lisa Franks, this is my new favorite. I am so grateful and proud and honored. Thank you so much, Washington Center for the Book, Seattle Public Library, Fellow Nominees, Writers, Readers, Librarians, Teachers, Indie Bookshops, and the Judges. I love books, and I love you all. Thank you.
How I missed this is probably because I am still in a Covid fog and just…the ridiculous nonsense of life? But even late, I need to express my sincere gratitude. What an honor for WHAT I CARRY to be nominated for the Georgia Peach Book Award! A reader-voted award, the very deserving winner this year is Elizabeth Acevedo’s gorgeous WITH THE FIRE ON HIGH. Thank you so much for the book love, Georgia! And huge congratulations to Elizabeth Acevedo, an incredible author of books I, and so many readers, adore. Happy Autumn, everyone! I love you Georgia readers, librarians and teachers! XO
WHAT I CARRY wins the 2021 Washington State Book Award
I am honored and overjoyed to say WHAT I CARRY is the 2021 recipient of the YA Literature Washington State Book Award! Thank you so much, readers, librarians, teachers, booksellers, book bloggers, judges - all the people in takes to make a book. Thank you so much Melissa Sarver at Folio Literary, my editor Jenna Lettice and the entire Random House team, the Seattle Public Library and the Washington Center for the Book. I am stunned and thrilled for all the finalists and the multitude of books that come from our beautiful, beloved and very literary Washington State. WHAT I CARRY was written for my daughter, and for the brave & beautiful people who shared their stories of life in Foster Care in America with me, and with Muir. Thank you. Here’s the email I read while shopping the Chip and Joanna section at TARGET which made my hands go tingly and I had to sit on the floor and try to breathe until a nice TARGET lade asked me if I was okay:
“The Washington Center for the Book, an affiliate of the Library of Congress Center for the Book, and a partnership of the Washington State Library (a division of the Office of the Secretary of State) and The Seattle Public Library, is thrilled to congratulate you for winning the 2021 Washington State Book Award for Young Adult Literature for What I Carry.
The Washington State Book Awards honor works of outstanding literary merit by Washington authors. The award is given based on the strength of the publication’s literary merit, lasting importance and overall quality. This is the 55th year of the program, formerly called the Governor’s Writers Awards.”
I love my heart home state of Washington. I love our libraries, librarians, teachers, readers, Indie Bookshops . . . our very literary-loving state of trees and ocean and whales and mountains and coffee and books and rain friends. I am so grateful to be here. Thank you.
Winning Books *Washington State BOOK AWARDS 2021* What I Carry YA Literature
Nominations & Best of Lists 2021
Amazing news this month for WHAT I CARRY! We are nominated for the 21*22 ARKANSAS TEEN BOOK AWARD! Librarians and readers choose the titles and voting is open now. Thank you, Arkansas readers and librarians, this is such an incredible honor! And this morning I learned that WHAT I CARRY is included on the Bank Street College of Education 2021 Best Children’s Books of the Year List! Bank Street is a graduate college in NYC that has been educating teachers for over 100 years. The 2021 edition includes titles chosen that were published in 2020. In choosing books for the annual list, reviewers consider literary quality and excellence of presentation as well as the potential emotional impact of the books on young readers. Each book accepted for the list is read and reviewed by at least two committee members and then discussed by the committee as a whole. Thank you so much, Bank Street College of Education. I am grateful and humbled by the love WHAT I CARRY is getting, and so happy readers can find themselves in Muir, or Francine, or Kira or Sean - but hopefully not Natan. (LOLZ) Happy Autumn, everyone. Let’s read our way through the remainder of this year! XO
Interview with FLORIDA TEEN READS!
It’s the "Hot off the List" interview with Florida Teens Reads! Join me and the Osceola County, Floria Media and Instructional Tech guru Jason Robbins Leon, along with Library Media Supervisor Michelle Jarrett as we chat about WHAT I CARRY, the beauty that is disrupttexts.org, challenging the white male ‘classics’, inclusion in academic fiction, and navigating the foster system in America. Thank you so much, Florida Teen Reads! I love Jason and Michelle, and I think you will too. What an honor to be on this list of FTR nominees for 2021, Florida readers and librarians are so generous. Enjoy!
I am so grateful WHAT I CARRY is included on two wonderful finalists lists for 2021/22 book awards season. The Kentucky Bluegrass Book Award’s master lists are chosen for this state award by committees made up of school and public librarians, classroom teachers, and voted by students. This is such an honor! And the BLACK EYED SUSAN BOOK AWARD finalists are chosen by the Maryland Association of School Librarians and voted by student readers as well. What an honor for WHAT I CARRY to be recognized by librarians, teachers and readers in Maryland and Kentucky, two beautiful states that I cannot wait to visit as soon as this ridiculous pandemic is under control. Thank you so, so much to the Maryland Association of School Librarians and to the Kentucky state teachers and librarians, all of whom are making the world a better place by instilling in their students a love of books, stories, and sharing our lives with words. I am humbled, and deeply grateful. And to the student readers, thank you, thank you, thank you! I Love you all!
Honors for WHAT I CARRY!
I am so grateful for two more amazing honors for WHAT I CARRY. The Children’s Book Council & National Council for the Social Studies have included WIC on their list of 2021 Notable Trade Books! These are books studied in Social Science classes to help enrich the curriculum. And in the world of my heroes, Librarians, The Oklahoma Library Association announced WHAT I CARRY is on their 2022 Sequoyah Award Master List. Thank you so much to these wonderful organizations, to librarians, teachers, readers, bloggers, booksellers, fellow authors. I am overwhelmed and humbled to be in the company of writers I admire so much, and whose books save me every day. Thank you!
What I Carry is a 2021 ALA/YALSA Top Ten YA Novel!
I am overjoyed to share this news! WHAT I CARRY is included on the 2021 American Library Association’s YALSA Top Ten YA Novel list! What an honor to share space with some truly remarkable books and authors. I am so grateful. Thank you endlessly ALA and the Young Adult Services Library Association. I love libraries and librarians more than anything, and readers and bloggers and teacher s and independent bookshops and book sellers. . .you are literary life! Love to you all, and here’s to a new year filled with books and stories to get us through, as always. Here’s the full list:
2020 WHAT I CARRY Love
2020 can head right out the door for all its awfulness. It is disorienting to have rare fortune in this dumpster fire time, as WHAT I CARRY published in January and I will always be grateful. For my own sanity and kind of record-keeping and trying to hold onto any small bright spot in life, I want to express my immense humility and gratitude for the recognition this book is receiving, and let myself be proud of the work my Random House team and I put into making WHAT I CARRY. We are grateful that so many readers found some solace and distraction and even resonance and beauty in its pages in these dark days. I love books more than anything, and when readers, librarians, teachers, bloggers, reviewers and booksellers love books I’ve written? It’s the absolute best feeling in the world. So here, with endless thanks, are some amazing accolades we’ve received. Most of all, all my love and admiration this and every year goes to every kid living in, or aging out of, foster care. You are remarkable and valued and worthy of love and every opportunity and comfort in the world.
* 2020 Winter INDIES NEXT LIST Title *
* 2020 Chicago Public Library Best List *
* 2021 YALSA BEST YA FICTION Nominee *
* 2021 CYBILS Award Nominee *