At last! I am overjoyed to announce my third novel, WHAT I CARRY (Penguin Random House) will publish January 21, 2020 and it has an absolutely gorgeous cover. (Yes I know authors always say that but People, I’m telling you. It is so beautiful I can barely stand it) The designers at Penguin Random House are geniuses and this piece of art will be revealed, with accompanying pre-order links, next Tuesday, June 25th! More details to follow but for now let me grace you with my incredible PicCollage work that my daughter taught me how to do. I think you’ll agree it is as intricate and sophisticated as anything you’ll see on Antiques Roadshow that someone found in their Aunt Kathy’s garage and they’re trying to get it appraised so they can sell it. I put this up as a placeholer cover on Goodreads. (More on that later. Yikes.) This stunning hand-crafted cover is an ode to John Muir, who figures prominently in WHAT I CARRY. His lifelong fight to save the natural world from destruction and his need for constant movement & quiet solitude to feel freedom guide Muiriel, the protagonist, as she navigates rescuing her own life from potential destruction as she ages out of a life lived in foster care. Like her namesake John Muir, she feels trapped by being in one place, in one house, and needs solitude and nature to breathe. But can she find freedom in the stillness of one place, if involves a life not so alone, steeped in love? WHAT I CARRY publishes January 21st, 2020. I will not sleep till then. Also, Sidebar Nation: Authors, do NOT put placeholder cover images up on Goodreads before your real cover is issued. It took a week and two Goodreads SuperLibrarians to take that shit down in preparation for the actual cover and pre-order links. Nobody has time for those kinds of hijinx, especially the hard-working badass Librarians of Goodreads. I owe them my life! See you June 25th!
Pretty professional, right? I know! Real cover reveals 6/25/19 * WHAT I CARRY * 1/21/2020